Better tutorial to add actionbar to your Android applications

Coming with Android 3.0, Actionbar is going to replace menu and title as the major interface for Android activities. To support Actionbar in your apps, Google provide support plugin to make actionbar running in not only JellyBean (API level 17) but also older versions of Android, e.g., API level 7. Also, Google also provides a text tutorial for developers [link].

While, I also found a step-by-step tutorial with pictures and example code which is much better for you to follow, here are the links:

  1. setup support library in Eclispe
  2. use the library in your app
P.S. I highly recommend you to use ActionBarSherlock instead of Google's ActionBar. (Even Googlers suggest as well). It's much easier than above one and fix for most Android versions.

You can download it here: And these two tutorials are pretty useful:

1. how to use it in Eclipse:
